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The Return of the Videogame Outsiders, Realtime Arts
Beyond the Edge of the Screen, The Edge
Getting Started, ibrary
Memory Lane, ibrary
Design, ibrary
Dialog and Character, ibrary
Story Starting Points, ibrary
Non-digital Games, ibrary
Novelty, Escape, Boredom, Hope, Kill Your Darlings
These words mean just what I choose them to mean, The Edge
Writing for Games, ibrary
Games & Storytelling, Newswrite
Have We Seen it All?, Meanjin
Social Technology and Events, Australia Council for the Arts
Archiving Social Media, Australia Council for the Arts
Playful Engagement, Australia Council for the Arts
Games & Storytelling, Storyline
Twitter 101, Australia Council for the Arts
The Emerging Writers Festival, Inscribe
What can we say with games, if:Book Australia
Games and Games Literacy, SLAV Magazine
Critical Thinking about Video Games & Literacy, Education Technology Solutions
Critical Thinking about Video Games, Infonet
Games Literacy, Infonet